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Palestra 9-10-2015

The role of a lawyer in the proceedings in the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, since 1993, is composed of 15 judges appointed for a ten-year term by the President of the Republic with the consent of the Senate of the Parliament. It is role is the abstract or tailor-made evaluation standards of the law. Abstract control takes place at the request of the President of the Czech Republic or group of MPs, the specific control shall be effected by a national or other qualified entity – is necessary to be represented by a lawyer through constitutional complaint concerning final decision made in a single case by a court or other authority. In the latter case, the appreciation by the Constitutional Court in the course of the examination of the complaint defective legal standards converts conduct the procedure leading to the control of this standard. The Constitutional Court has in addition a priori control of compliance with the Constitution international agreements, also has competence in respect of the procedure for checking the regularity of the elections and adjudicates in disputes between courts and administrative responsibility.

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