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Palestra 10-2020

Pronouncing a decision null and void in the context the principles of legal certainty and of trust in the state. Commentary on judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 20 February 2019 (II OSK 694/17)

This commentary deals with administrative court application of a specific type of Constitutional Court judgment (so-called “scope judgment”) and need to issue a ruling coherent with other constitutional and general principles of administrative procedure, in this case on annulment of an administrative decision due to “significant lapse of time.” The aim of this work is to point out the importance of this issue and its practical side for rulings in administrative court matters. In line with conclusions, the approach taken by the court in the subject judgement leading to the broadest protection of individual rights is worthy of approval. It was correct to protect rights acquired from a building permit, considering the passage of time after the decision was issued and the parties’ interests, which excluded the possibility of permit annulment. Such action is also coherent with the principle of confidence in public administration.

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