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Palestra 12-2021

Compensation for expropriation as a hereditary right

The author presents arguments for recognizing the right to compensation for expropriation as a hereditary right. Pointing to the complex legal nature of the institution, containing elements of both private and public law, he argues in favour of recognising it as a peculiar hybrid of a mixed subjective right (administrative and civil law), i.e. a „borderline” institution. He notes that compensation is an inherent element of expropriation as an institution of public law. It is heritable and may be claimed by the heirs of the expropriated in an administrative procedure. As a benchmark for proper interpretation of expropriation regulations, the author points to the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of 22 February 2021, I OPS 1/20, which determined that heirs are entitled to compensation, also for property expropriated before 1 January 1998. At the same time, the author criticizes the jurisprudence of administrative courts based on too formalistic understanding of the expropriation law and failing to see the need to take into account the fundamental constitutional principles (application of pro-constitutional interpretation). He advocates a common- sense dynamic interpretation of the law, which allows making fair and just decisions, both by administrative authorities and administrative courts.

See this article in polish

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