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Stanisław Rymar


Stanisław Rymar


Judge of the Constitutional Tribunal (2010-2019)

He was born on May 19, 1941 in Krakow. In 1963 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Jagiellonian University, after which he completed a judicial apprenticeship, which he completed passing the judicial exam in 1965. From 1968 to 2007 he was a lawyer. From the beginning of the eighties he was an activist of the bar self-government: legal secretary, vice president of the Supreme Bar Council, secretary of the National Bar Council, director of the Bar Research Center advocate. Witold Bayer, and in the years 2001-2007 the president of the NRA. He is interested in procedural law. Decorated with The Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, the Golden Cross of Merit and the Badge of Merit.


List of publications

Stanisław Rymar, Rola Adwokatury w kształtowaniu demokracji w Polsce  w Księdze pamiątkowej  poświęconej prof. Adamowi Jamrozowi, Białystok 2017

Stanisław Rymar, Prof. Marek Safjan adwokat państwa i prawa (w:) Księdze pamiątkowej poświęconej prof. Markowi Safianowi, Warszawa 2019/2020

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