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Table of contents

Nowy rok i nowoczesne technologie
  • Michał Bieniak
Selected problems of remote participation in the meetings of corporate governing bodies and housing communities
About the problems of bid bonds
Legal subsystems, or the effects of using contracts templates drafted under English law
Jurisdiction of a Polish court in divorce proceedings of spouses who are Polish citizens domiciled in the United Kingdom
  • Dominika Mróz-Krysta
Tort liability for creating a particular danger to the environment in the 21st century and the social sense of justice
  • Monika Moska
Selected aspects of consumer privacy protection in distance contracts
Modern technologies and their influence on entrepreneurs and business activity. An outline
Flexible forms of employment in the digital age. An outline
Liability for a damage resulting from a violation of the GDPR and private law regulations arising from national legal orders. A case study of the Polish personal interests protection system

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