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Category "Glosses"

Publication date

Palestra: 11/2018

Gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of 25th January 2018, I KZP 11/17

Palestra: 11/2020

Eugenic (embryopathological) premise as a premise for legal termination of pregnancy – commentary to the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 22.10.2020 (K 1/20)

Palestra: 3/2022

Application of Article 79 of the Civil Code to a document confirming the contents of an oral will – commentary on Supreme Court decision of 9.08.2019 (II CSK 277/19)

Palestra: 11/2020

Ex-officio representative in the proceedings for to establish a curator for a disabled person – commentary to the decision of the Supreme Court of 25.07.2019 (III CZP 16/19)

Palestra: 12/2020

Direct application of Directive 2012/13 in the field of defence access to case files in criminal proceedings – commentary to the decision of the Court of Appeal in Gdansk of 8.04.2020 (II AKZ 207/20)

Palestra: 10/2021

Applying Article 5 of the Civil Code as grounds for decreasing repayments and additional payments out of shares in the division of spouses’ joint property – commentary on Supreme Court ruling of 22.09.2020 (I CSK 657/18)

Palestra: 5/2022

The crime of illegal possession of a firearm or ammunition despite of having a firearms license - glossary to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 16 December 2020, file ref. IV KK 420/19

Palestra: 9/2019

The constitutionality of art. 1 item 4 and 2 of the Act of 13.12.2016 amending the Act – the Law on assemblies – commentary to the resolution of the Costitutional Court of 16.03.2017 (Kp 1/17)

Palestra: 5/2019

Administrative fine for failure to fulfil the information obligation referred to in art. 14 GDPR when personal data have been obtained from publicly accessible sources – partially critical gloss to the final decision of the President of Personal Data Protection Office of 15 March 2019, ZSPR.421.3.2018

Palestra: 11/2020

Division of community property after termination of the statutory matrimonial property regime – commentary on decision of the Supreme Court of 16.09.2016 (IV CSK 763/15)


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