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Palestra 7-8-2020

New harms the Bug river claimants current problems of the jurisprudence in the Bug river cases

The analysis of the current jurisprudence supports the view that with regard to the statute there is no proper execution of the obligation demanding such interpretation of the regulations that provides every person entitled to compensation with effective, quick and facilitated execution of this right. Rather than facilitate obtaining of the compensation, in some rulings courts create non-statutory conditions for obtaining this right, i.e. obligation to indicate precisely all immovable properties left in the East no later than on 31 December 2008, or requirement of „relocating” within the current borders of Poland. Despite the explicit directives of the Constitutional Tribunal indicated in the ruling of 23 October 2012, SK 11/12, as well as pro-constitutional interpretation of the statute presented in the resolutions of the Supreme Administrative Court of 16 December 2013, I OPS 11/13 and of 9 October 2017, I OPS 3/17, there are still different verdicts in comparable factual situations, and a significant part of them violate the principle of social justice, resulting in new harms to the Bug river claimants. With regard to all matters of argument presented in the article, it should be insisted on passing resolutions of enlarged (i.e. consisting of 7 judges) composition of the Supreme Administrative Court. It is only such resolutions that may prevent further harms to many Bug river claimants, who have tried for decades to obtain at least 20% of the compensation related with estates lost after the war in consequence of the State border shifting. Keywords: property left beyond the Bug river, administrative proceedings, exercise of the right to compensation for estates left outside the present borders of the Republic of Poland, request for confirmation of the right to compensation

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