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Palestra 4-2018

About unfeasibility of creating a unified regulation on legal professions

Acknowledging the on-going discussion pertaining to the necessity, implementation and conditions of a potential reform of legal professions, the following article focuses on a vital question of creating a unified regulation concerning all legal professions. However, due to the abstract nature of this issue, the analysis performed in this article is achieved from the perspective of two abstract, yet, basic constitutional benchmarks: the first being the constitutional requirement of reliable legislation and the second concerning constitutional status of professions of public trust. Appropriately, the authors discuss the possibility of creating the aforementioned regulation in the context of socio-economic relationships connecting professions of public trust and other subjects. Next, the authors provide a thorough examination of the issue in question from the perspective of the status of professions of legal trust and their self-governments as observed in Article 17 of the Constitution. The authors of the article conclude their analysis with a conviction regarding unfeasibility of creating a unified regulation on legal professions of public trust.

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