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Palestra 10-2021

Applying Article 5 of the Civil Code as grounds for decreasing repayments and additional payments out of shares in the division of spouses’ joint property – commentary on Supreme Court ruling of 22.09.2020 (I CSK 657/18)

The ruling of the Supreme Court of 22.09.2020 (I CSK 657/18), which is the subject of this analysis, is one of the few decisions concerning the application of Article 5 of the Civil Code as the grounds for decreasing repayments and additional payments in the context of division of spouses’ joint property after the cessation of the marital community property. The views of legal scholars and courts in this respect vary. The Supreme Court acknowledged that it is not possible to eliminate in any general manner the application of Article 5 of the Civil Code as the grounds for decreasing repayments and additional payments out of the shares in property in the context of division of the (ex-)spouses’ joint property. Both the general conclusion and the solution presented by the Supreme Court should be accepted as correct.

See this article in polish

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